Its here

So, I thought getting my new laptop would improve my consistency posting. Boy was I wrong. As the title said, however, “it is here.” Er, maybe should have said been here 1.5 weeks. Boy is it fast; especially considering the speed of my last laptop since it died.

Anyway, I’m back and you should be seeing more posts from me soon.

Stick it on . . .

Some times you might see a notible quote stuck to a car bumper. Here is a collection my sister sent me with some really funny ones.

I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can’t make me happy.
If it isn’t broken, fix it until it is.

  • Wrinkled was not one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up.
  • Never believe generalizations.
  • Vegitarian – Indian for bad hunter
  • Avoid alliterations always.
  • Know When to Say When
  • I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
  • The control key on the keyboard does not work.
  • Lawyers have feelings too (allegedly).
  • On your mark, get set, go away!
  • I didn’t climb to the top of the food chain to become a vegetarian!
  • What would Scooby do?
  • Suburbia: Where they tear out the trees and name streets after them.
  • My mother is a travel agent for guilt trips.
  • Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you weren’t asleep.
  • How do I set a laser printer to stun?
  • The trouble with the gene pool is that there’s no lifeguard.
  • Old age comes at a bad time.
  • Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
  • As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools.
  • I took an IQ test and the results were negative.
  • Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
  • To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
  • Driver carries no cash. He’s married.
  • Watch out for the idiot behind me.
  • Don’t believe everything you think.
  • Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
  • All I ask is the chance to prove that money can’t make me happy.
  • Never miss a good opportunity to shut up.
  • If it isn’t broken, fix it until it is.
  • What if the hokey pokey is really what it’s all about?