WMS Elective Day 19 & 20

Cave beforeDay 19 —

Everyone split-up today and went different directions enjoying the beautiful weather.  Some went bordering, others hung-out at camp and enjoyed the sunshine while others went for a hike on Rainbow Trail almost getting to Mt. LeConte.  The snow became knee deep and thus they had to turn around but they really enjoyed the beautiful views.

I on the other-hand went home to do laundry and rested for most of the day.

Day 20 – 

On the way inToday we went to The Lost Sea and did the wild cave tour.  It was great fun.  Our guide, Shane, was really enjoyable and really tailored the tour for our group.  It was funny to hear him really enjoy having a tour of adults rather then children.  The lake in the cave is huge.  In the 70’s they went diving with sonar and couldn’t identify any walls or floor.  Thus the floor is deeper then 3500 ft and the back wall is farther then 3500 ft.  That is a huge cavern.

Small holeAfter finishing we went to a place call Joe’s for the best burgers in Sweatwater, TN.  The burgers were really good.  They were really good.

Well that’s all for now, enjoy the pics.

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