A preview of my senior research project. I’ll have more information as it progresses. For now, here is my poster I’m presenting at AOHC 2018 tonight.

Personal site of Eric T. Meek, MD FAWM
So, I’ve continued to work on Android and believe I’ve figured out how to enable the wireless in it. I’ve built a case for it (hat-tip to borglabs). Once I get time to test the instructions I’ve found for the WiFi under android it will be much more useful and then I’ll post instructions on the build process and everything I compiled to make the process a piece of cake. Currently I’m running donut but would like to get eclair running once I figure out WiFi. I’d like to post some pictures
but right now my PivotX install isn’t working for uploading the pictures from last weeks trip to PA and the case later.
Update ————-
Well, got PivotX working again by updating to the latest dev branch. Image insertion works again. Wierd things is I never upgrade and it stopped working by it self. Hum . . . Enjoy the pics
Well, it took rebuilding my HTPC, countless forum post readings and finally just trying something to figure out installing Android on the board was quite easy. I don’t have any pictures or anything, just search Google for a video of the IGEPv2 booting. Mine doesn’t look much different. I’ll have to say it isn’t worth much right now since the current kernel doesn’t have wifi enabled – my next project after Step 2 CS next Monday.
The process of installing it was quite simple. I just used Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit by following the instructions on the Andoid dev page for compiling on a 64-bit machine. Once that was all setup, I went to Project Rowboat, downloaded donut and compiled it. Used the same tool-chain from the Rowboat project to compile the kernel for it and prepared the card as suggested on the Ubuntu Wiki page at http://wiki.myigep.com/. Inserted the MicroSD card and waited for about 5-10 seconds before the Android logo appeared it booted. Very simple, yet very obtuse finding the instructions.
Along those lines, I also built and installed Ubuntu 9.10 on it. The performance was a bit sluggish compared to android which just flew. I’ll have to play around to figure out what OS I’ll end up with but given I want it in the car and I’m ultra familiar with Java, I’m leaning to Android. When I get a chance I’ll post pictures.