Safari Reader – more than meets the eye

This morning I was getting ready to read an article in Safari 5.0 and decided to give the new Reader function a shot.  Once the page loaded and the reader button came available, I clicked on it and saw the nice callout displaying the article.  However, as I was reading I noticed the scrollbar continued to shrink as if more content was being loaded.  I didn’t think much of it until I finished reading the article and noticed reader displaying a “Page 5 of 5”.  Yep the article was page 1 of 5 and Reader had loaded all the subsequent pages into the same callout allowing me to avoid the infuriating habit of news sites to break-up an article for more ad impressions.  Good going Apple with this great feature of Safari Reader.

Fun while shopping

Today while making returns, somehow I ended up in the Apple section of our local CompUSA :-). Needless to say, while there I checked out some new Apple products I hadn’t seen yet. The two that impressed me the most are the new Mighty Mouse and iMac G5.

The Might Mouse is really nice. From looking at it on the web, it really didn’t appeal to me, but after trying it out in person, it is the best mouse I’ve ever used. The scroll ball is beyond description. Using it was much more natural then any of the scroll wheels.

While playing with M.M., I stumbled across a really cool program called PhotoBooth on the new iMac G5. What you see below is the results of my playing and to say the least, I didn’t have to pay for these, but it sure was fun.

Photo 45

Photo 42
Photo 43
Photo 43
Photo 43
Photo 43