Sometimes things happen that are best left to the imagination, food poisoning, C. Diff infections, major trama to an extremity. Well, 12 days ago at 3:15pm my pinky, yes the smallest of my phalanges, was rendered useless to me for the next week and 1/2. Yep, my pinky got smooshed. It was a random collection of events (bad judgment, big part of lake, unseen wake) that ended with my pinky between two boats. All things considered, however, I was very fortunate to sustain only soft tissue injury. No broken bones, no loss of motion or sensation just a really nasty wound (more graphic pictures of my finger after the break). As you can imagine – typing and other activities requiring a pinky have been rather difficult the past week or so.
Otherwise, I’ve been hanging out with friends playing games, biking Cades Cove and doing a lot of working and reading. I learned a new game, a group version of the classic battleship game. Everyone is given a sheet of paper where you mark your ships and after everyone has placed their ships turns are taken lobbing bombs. It is somewhat a bingo/battleship collage. It was fun watching and learning.
As to school, recently I did surgical subspecialties (last month) and am currently on Emergency Medicine. Surgical subs consisted of ENT, Urology, Ortho and Ophthalmology (hence the pic). I have to say I had expereinces in doctor’s offices I’ve never seen before or probably will never see again. It was fun and I learned alot. I’ve really been enjoying the ED or emergency department. For the longest time I’ve considered doing Family Medicine and then doing a fellowship in Emergency Medicine, however, all the doctors I’ve spoken to have highly suggested I just do the Emergency Medicine residency if that is my interest.
Well, count this as your warning – graphic pictures after the break – and this time they are real.